Oklahoma Land Records

My father owned mineral rights in Caddo County. When he died last year, we hired a lawyer to transfer the mineral rights from my father’s name to me and my siblings. This was completed at the end of November 2022. When I just recently checked the Oklahoma Land Records Search, it still shows my father’s name as owning the mineral rights. Does it take a while for the website to be updated?

Another related question. Ten years ago when my father transferred his deceased brother’s mineral rights to his name and updated his contact information, he was almost immediately contacted by a Landman concerning leasing his mineral rights. The mineral rights have been transferred to my siblings and me since November 2022 and we haven’t heard a peep from anyone. It looks like all the proper paperwork was filed with the county. Is there something else we should be doing?

Thank you!

If you mean transferring the title was done via Probate, you need to make sure the Probate is properly filed against the county clerk’s records. Probates are done in the Court Clerk’s office and your or the lawyer should file the document with the county clerk.

As for the 2nd question, you will get more information from the forum if you will provide the section, township & range.

According to the paperwork it was done via probate and was filed with the Caddo County Clerk’s office at the end of November 2022. The mineral rights are listed as:

SE/4 of Section 09-09N-10W, Caddo County Oklahoma NE/4 of Section 15-09N-10W, Caddo County Oklahoma

Is this what you were referring to regarding section, township & range?

Thank you,


Leasing depends upon where your minerals are located with respect to the current activity. No new leasing in those sections for the past three years.

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The final order in a probate case has the same effect as a deed from the executor to the heirs. Check to see of the order was filed, if you are listed as an heir in the order & the order has the legal description.

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