Oil rights

does ND law say that widows get 50% & siblings get the other50%.

That's what I received when my husband died and they wanted to lease the property. My son signed of on this share and gave it back to me.

our family is confused, we know our step mom has already been paid some money. we understand they are drilling . than we get a letter in the mail that we are supposed to sign that was dated a year ago . the diamond co says we wont be signing our rights away by signing it . but if we are supposed to get some money by law why aren’t we.? & why do we need to sign a paper that’s dated a year ago.?

Ms. Wilcox, you need a lawyer. Please get a lawyer; I’ve had experience with what Diamond Resources will do.

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Has anyone recently leased mineral rights in the past month or so. If so did you get competetive bids and who is currently giving the best prices/royalties?

r w kennedy said:

Ms. Wilcox, you need a lawyer. Please get a lawyer; I've had experience with what Diamond Resources will do.