Oil production records search problems

I have attempted to search the data base on the RRC web site for monthly oil and gas production for three wells in Dimmit County, Texas without success. I go to: NeuDocs Enterprise Surface Commingling Permits (P-17) Key Search?module=esd&action=keysearch&profile=17 I then enter the eight digit API # (without the “42” county code) and the system can’t find any records. The property name is: Snowmass Unit Dim A 1H, 2H, and 3H. The API numbers are: 4212734970 4212738015 4212738016 The first well has been producing since 2014, and the last two are relatively new. Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong?

what is the abstract?

I didn’t see anything in the search feature where this would be helpful. It is 150 acres, more of less , in the I. & G.N.R.R. Co. Survey, Abstract 260, Dimmit County, Texas and being All of the Southwest Quarter of said Survey and called 160 acres in that certain Quit Claim Deed dated December 29, 1943 to Robert R Wheeler, recorded in Volume 84, Page 10 of the Deed of Dimmit County, Texas.

Thank you William. Were you able to find this by searching by the lease number rather then the A.P.I. Number?

Andy, I did it differently than searching by lease.

I went to the RRC viewer and put in your abstract. then Identified the well and pulled the history. for me, that is the easiest way.

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Thank you sir! It’s not the most intuitive system, but I will give that a try. After I saw your screen capture, I was able to search by lease number. The months of Jan-March show up as “no report” rather then zeros. I am still puzzled by why I cant successfully search by the A.P.I. Number.