Oil prices down why the interest in leasing

I have mineral rights in Sec 30 8N 4W McClain co. Have received several offers recently for leasing. Oil prices down? Anyway the one today called and gave s price of $1000 an acre with 3/16. I know from a past post the the Section next to 30 went to pooling for $2000 w/3/16th. Anything happening in my section 30? I can wait and am not interesting in leasing yet… would like some comments if someone knows if something may be influencing these recent offers.

They may view it as the honey hole, and don't want to lose it to somebody else. I leased one property recently in McClain county too. I have had several offers to buy lately. They weren't very good, maybe 2X what they would lease for. If somebody signs a 3 year lease, you have to think things will be better in year 3 and they could still drill.