Oil payments received, but not gas payments

ALMA 01-12H13X24.

Quick question can anyone verify they have received any Gas royalty payments since production started. I receive Oil payments monthly but have never received any Gas payments. Contacted XTO about a dozen times, sent registered letter, they acknowledge problem but booking department has never got it corrected. As of a call today 4/4/24 they told me that booking accountant is no longer with the company so they have forwarded tickets to new accountant. Was just curios if it’s every owner, or just a one off on our account. Thanks for any reply.

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XTO/EXXON is incredibly slow taking care of things, but they do finally and most likely will pay you interest on the amount owed, whether you ask for it or not.

XTO is turning in gas amounts to the state tax office.

Production Period Product Code Gross Volume Reporting Company Company Number

Production Period Product Code Gross Volume Reporting Company Company Number
30-Apr-2023 Natural Gas Liquid - 6 0.00 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
30-Apr-2023 Natural Gas - 5 41,082.00 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
30-Apr-2023 Crude Oil - 1 6,027.67 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
31-May-2023 Crude Oil - 1 5,856.97 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
31-May-2023 Natural Gas - 5 39,769.00 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
31-May-2023 Natural Gas Liquid - 6 0.00 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
30-Jun-2023 Natural Gas Liquid - 6 0.00 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
30-Jun-2023 Natural Gas - 5 38,355.00 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
30-Jun-2023 Crude Oil - 1 5,060.74 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
31-Jul-2023 Natural Gas Liquid - 6 0.00 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
31-Jul-2023 Natural Gas - 5 36,293.00 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
31-Jul-2023 Crude Oil - 1 5,385.46 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
31-Aug-2023 Crude Oil - 1 5,195.18 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
31-Aug-2023 Natural Gas - 5 36,193.00 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
31-Aug-2023 Natural Gas Liquid - 6 0.00 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
30-Sep-2023 Natural Gas - 5 33,768.00 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
30-Sep-2023 Natural Gas Liquid - 6 0.00 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
30-Sep-2023 Crude Oil - 1 4,497.43 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
31-Oct-2023 Crude Oil - 1 4,937.22 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
31-Oct-2023 Natural Gas Liquid - 6 0.00 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
31-Oct-2023 Natural Gas - 5 33,303.00 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
30-Nov-2023 Natural Gas - 5 30,970.00 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
30-Nov-2023 Crude Oil - 1 4,759.89 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
30-Nov-2023 Natural Gas Liquid - 6 0.00 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
31-Dec-2023 Natural Gas - 5 35,395.00 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
31-Dec-2023 Crude Oil - 1 4,569.47 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
31-Dec-2023 Natural Gas Liquid - 6 0.00 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
31-Jan-2024 Crude Oil - 1 4,288.35 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
31-Jan-2024 Natural Gas - 5 30,268.00 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
31-Jan-2024 Natural Gas Liquid - 6 0.00 XTO ENERGY INC. 21003
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Same here, no gas payments. XTO said they are reviewing.

Latest revenue check received but still no payment for natural gas production. I checked and I opened up my ticket concerning this on 2/30/23. Each revenue check I call and email concerning the issue and am told that I would receive a call back in several days. I have never received one callback or email. Wonder if Exxon Mobile would let me fill my vehicle with their gasoline for 2 years and not pay them?

Have been wondering about this and see others are in the same situation w/ gas royalties from ALMA 1 - 12H13x24. Please post again if there is any new information/change/payment received. Thank you. Also, any information on what happened with the Cowman 1-12H1x36? They had a permit to drill but it has expired and the pooling order and leases are lapsed as well now. Thanks again.

You might try sending a certified letter return receipt requesting gas payments and interest payments. That might (??) get their attention.

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