Oil lease offer in Union County

Was approached by y Quanico Oil in Union about signing oil lease on 40acres near the CEO home in 2019 in Union County Arkansas STR 14-17-14. They mentioned doing a unit or frac pool. The well was called Sewell #1 and it look like it was successful. But I can’t find information from the Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission. Our land has never been leased to my knowledge. We haven’t heard back from them, but they said they were buying up all nearby leases. The new well is only 2000 feet away. Should we lease or wait.

Have you tried this link? http://aogc.state.ar.us/welldata/wells/default.aspx

Yes I have searched and AOGC website. I use it regularly, but no information on this well.

The well was drilled by Sewell Oil on April 4, 2022. This is the 3rd well drilled in my area. The other 2 are only a mile away.

I tried to get into the website but part of it is down for maintenance for two days.

Thanks. We are excited they drilled nearby. But we are wondering if they will also drill a vertical or horizontal.

Check the nearby wells to see what the trend is. Arkansas does not have much activity at this time, so I am going to guess vertical, but could be wrong. I do not work that area.

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