Oil Drilling Activity?

Any activity in section 14- 1N - 21 ecm ! Morris #1 -14. Was there ever a well drill ! Any information on amount of production ? If any. Supposedly I am a mineral owner ! Cabot at one time wanted to buy my working interest! Any information will be appreciated ! Emily

There is a Morris 1-14 that has been online since 10-1984. Cum gas ~ 2BCF gas and Cum oil 4778 bbls

Emily, There has not been any activity in the township for about 5 years. During 2012-2014 this was an hot area for Cabot, Chaparral and Unit. A number of horizontal wells were drilled; however, the wells did not perform as expected. The steep initial decline exhibited by most horizontal wells lasted much longer than seen in other horizontal drilling areas. Also, drilling was fueled by oil prices in the range of $80/BO to $105/BO from Jan, 2011 until Dec,2014. Activity came to an abrupt stop then. The Morris 1-14 is a marginal gas well drilled 30+ years ago. It is now producing about 25 MCFD. Making alot of assumptions, the Morris 1-14 royalty per year would be about $7.50 for every mineral acre leased at 3/16.

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