Oil and gas lease offer

I have been offered $300 per net mineral acre on 46.666667 acres in Caddo County, OK. It’s a non producing track. Does anyone know if this is a good price?

You need to give sec. t. and

I’m sorry, but don’t know what you are askin for?

What is the legal description(Section, Township, and Range? Northern part of the County is a good prospect. Don't rush.

I inherited this from my father and his lease is due to expire on Nov 5, 2016 and Stephens Land Services Inc and made an offer to renegotiate the lease. The property is section 6, Township 11n, range 12w.

If the property is already leased and will expire in November, Stephens isn't offering you much. I received an offer for property in the similar area for Caddo, and had a better offer as a bonus, but they refused to go higher than 3/16 royalty. I have a lot of royalty properties in West Texas and Oklahoma leases are cheap. I wouldn't sign his lease, and my acreage is less than yours. I don't know what other terms they offered you, but there are other brokers working the area.