Oil and Gas Abbreviations

Looking at plats, some of the abbreviations, I’m assuming PP means power pole, what would FTP stand for? Thanks

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PP stands for penetration point. Penetration point is the point at which the wellpath first Pierces the target Reservoir. FTP stands for First Take point, the first point on the wellpath open to and producing from the target reservoir

PP on the plat for a drilling permit normally means penetration point, where they put the bit on the ground and start turning.

FTP marked on the lateral of a horizontal well designates the first take point. At the other end of the horizontal leg you’ll see LTP, the last take point, which may or may not be the same as the TP, termination point. FTP and LTP are the first and last places the casing is perforated and production can occur. On some wells the PP is outside the boundary of the unit for the well and the FTP is on a separately owned tract that is within the unit boundary.

FYI: FTP can also mean Flowing Tubing Pressure in production matters.

Thanks for the replies, Looks to me like SHL is where the actual drilling rig sits.