Oil and Activity in Frio County, tx in 2019?

I have not seen any postings for oil and gas activity in Frio County, Tx in years. Does anyone have information? I have mineral rights on 127 acres 4 miles south of Pearsall. Thanks, Victor Holmes

RRC filings show about 35 wells permitted in Frio County so far this year, but most were developmental, secondary wells added to proven units rather than new areas be entered.

The completion reports filed this year have generally been south and east of your area. Venado has reported the best results with several wells testing above 600 BPD, and one over 1,000.

Thank you. We had wells on our land back in the 70’s boomlet and they were all capped. I had the acres leased to a company for 3 yrs that sold their rights to Marathon. Marathon did a well drilled into the Pearsall Shale about 17,000 feet. They dropped the lease when it was up because they said they could make more profit drilling in Atascosa county. They could make their money back with the pearsall well but not a good. 600-1000 BPD sounds pretty good to me! Thanks again and still hope for a lease. VH

The marathon well was not on our land. It was about 7 miles away. Sorry did not mention that. VH

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Looking for the same information… i am a mineral owner 10 miles east of Pearsall on 140.

Are you referring to the Stacey/Dubose well?

I don’t think so. The fellow who owned that lease I believe was named Whitley. He said they drilled down 19,000 feet and did get oil.Marathon told me they would get their money out of it but not enough profit to keep doing, so they dropped my lease which they had bought form someone else. That was down into the Pearsall Shale. How goes it with you?Thanks, Victor

Has anyone leased any land recently for oil or gas? Now that it is 2021, wondered if anything new is coming. My land is about 4 miles south of Pearsall. Thanks, VH

Venado, under the name VOG Palo Verde LP, and Trinity Operating have recorded some new leases and filed some permit applications in the past few months but it looks like that activity is a good ways south of you, closer to La Salle Co.