New well Callie/B/2

Was surprised by new DO’s arriving today for this well in Sec 32. Just wondering if anyone knows any details. Depth, initial production… Operator is H2OK Llc

Joe- lots of Section 32’s in Dewey Co. You can use the OTC or OCC websites & find the information you need.

Type in Callie and look for B 2 . 1000 is the permit. 1001A is the spud. 1002A is completion. 1073 is a change of operator. You might have just gotten new DO for a change in operator.

Thanks for the info and link. I will research this more. I have never received any royalties on this well. I have others in Dewey County but never heard of this well or operator until the DO’s came yesterday.

Contact the operator’s Division Order department and ask them why they think you are an owner.

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