Nelson well, Roosevelt Co. Montana

Any word on schedules for beginning drilling of the Nelson well in 28N57E, sections 27,22?

How about in drilling units in 23,26; or 25,24??

If XTO is the company drilling, yesterday I went to their website, found their email address...and sent them an email asking for the status of a well that is "permitted" on our area...and I was impressed with how quickly they responded to me...they were super.

Our proposed well is in section 25 of 28N57E...and they indicated that this well is on the drilling schedule for the second half of 2012...although they gave themselves an out by reminded me that "things could change"...and I took this they could change in either direction.

All is all, I have found that when I've contacted either XTO and/or Oasis, they have been very up-front with me in what is happening with the specifics of the wells that I have questioned. XTO if they are the developers of the Nelson well...see what happens!!

The Nelson 27-22 is a Brigham well. I do have an interest in the State42x-36, so I will email them about that and also email Brigham about the Nelson and see if I get an answer. The State was schedule originally for the "First half" of 2012!!

Just an update; Never got an answer from Brigham/Statoil on well status; but the Nelson 27-22 is now being drilled just off Highway 2 on the north side about a half a mile up from the "Lanark" turnoff. The State42x-36c HAS been drilled and fracced and is now producing in secret by XTO. They did however, and probably by mistake, post that it produced 9000 bbls in the 28 days of February and had an IP of 973 the first day which is pretty meaningless on Montana wells. Should be off confidential this summer!! New high for oil again today to finish the week; good news!!

Has anyone received any updates on the Nelson? Are you getting paid revenues?

Nelson well shows completion on 3,31,2014,, I know it waited for fracing a couple of months! The JAR 1-28H started pumping Dec 1st and is already sending out checks,, it is just west of the Nelson!

Should have DO's in May by my calculations; but have no definite info....will keep this updated....Nelson 27-22