Need help understanding quarters


I’m trying to learn how to monitor the Harper Co., OK property for which I inherited mineral rights. I found the site and I understand how to search for the section, township, and range; however I can’t seem to make sense of the “quarters“. Maybe it’s because I have absolutely no sense of direction, lol.

My legal description has, E/2NE/4, SW/4NE/4, and SE/4NW/4. I think I know that N S E and W stand for north, south, east, and west. But I don’t understand the numbers in front of the letters, or why my legal description only seems to have 3 quarters. Maybe I’m reading it wrong. And I am not sure how these quarters should be entered into the “quarters” boxes. When I put all the letters and numbers in, it runs out of space, if that makes sense. Anyway, any help understanding the “quarters“ of my property description would be much appreciated.

Also, any help with other ways to monitor the property would also be appreciated. Thanks!

Maybe this will help some , very rudimentary visual.

My apologies for the multiple edits, my Covid brain fog is still with me. MK

Hello Eva:

When trying to figure out where the legal description is in a section, read the legal description from the right to the left. So for the E/2 NE/4, start with the NE/4 of the section, then take the East Half of it. For the SW/4 NE/4, start with the NE/4 and then take the SW/4 of it.

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Thanks for the help!

One way to help understand is to insert the phrase “of the” between each description. In your case it would read the East half of the Northeast quarter, the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter, and the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Section.

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