Need a Landmans Help near Okmulgee Oklahoma

Would like to find a landman in or near Okmulgee Oklahoma to do some research work to find out if the J.H Lincoln that the state of Oklahoma is holding royality payments from 16-11N-12E. is my grandfather or not, Some of these funds have been held over 20 years, The Lincolns came to Henryetta before state hood so I believe they belong to our family.


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Thank you Mr. Davis for your reply but the unclaimed property fund is who is holding over 20 accounts under the name of J.H.Lincoln which I believe to be my grandfather. In 1990 when the fund was kept by the tax comm. we retrieve minerals located in Cleveland county under the same name J.H.Lincoln. but the tresurers dept can not find those records and want more proof then probate and will papers. I am disabled and need the services of a land man to go investigate the section16 records and see if he could find a mineral deed or some type of record that could prove it is our grandfather. This section of land is located in Henryetta and my grandfather came to henryetta before statehood and my mom was borne there so i beleve it may belong to him. In all of his business dealings he always went by J.H.Lincoln until his death in 1964.


I could help you out. Respond with email address, or phone # if you need me to call you.

Jason i put in a friend request through the forum, just acceptit and I will send my personal information by private message via the forum, thanks Richard

Jason Smith said:

I could help you out. Respond with email address, or phone # if you need me to call you.