Musselshell County Montana

I have been givin land information and I am trying to find the oil company’s that operate on this land, any help would be greatly appreciated.

  1. in Section 14, T-7-N, R-27-E: W/2 NW/4, SW/4, and S/2 SE/4
  2. in Section 27, T-8-N, R-27-E: all
  3. in Section 34, T-8-N, R-27-E: SE/4 NE/4, NW/4, and S/2
  4. in Section 30, T-10-N, R-28-E: Lots 1-4, E/2 W/2, and E/2

You can find that information with the Montana DNR Webmapper. It is online, free and not that hard to use.

Thank you, going to look now

Having some trouble, may be easy for those that have used this site, but for me it’s not making sense.
When I go to “on line data” takes me to
I’m searching DNRC, hangs and say “searching”
Sitting at page. Am I at the correct page?


I just got a message saying the remote site wouldn't accept the connection. I think I'm going to have to restart my computer to get in. I'm working on it.

I did type in mt. dnrc and got a Mt.Gov page that says at the top in green go to the webmapper. Back in a few minutes.

I went to the GIS server map and I found no active wells. A few wells were drilled, plugged and abandoned as dry holes. I can't seem to call up the extensive information that the Webmapper used to display but it is possible to learn the names of past companies that drilled the wells. None were large companies and may not be around anymore.

Basically, I just clicked on magnify on the map control and zoomed in until I found where I started and zoomed out fully and tried again moving the point I was zooming on in the direction I wanted to go.

I recall the Webmapper being much easier to use. I will try again later to see if it is back up. Who knows we may have caught it updating as they must do from time to time. I assure you though that I saw no producing wells.

Thank you, from your info I found. I was able to find the .pdf files on past drillers along with detail info on what they found at at what depths. We own the mineral rights to these plots, I now have a good understanding of what the land has to offer, location and history, unfortunately nothing producing at this time however who knows 10 or 20 years!

Also I now understand T-R-S is Town - Range - Section!

Thanks for your help

J. Scott

Glad you found it. I haven't dealt with Montana for a couple of years and never actually owned anything there. It's nice that Mt. offers it as a free service.