Money held "in suspension"

About 4 years ago a company called NTEX leased mineral rights from my family without my approval and I never heard anything about from them. I did not like the deal proposed and felt that we should wait and discuss it. My cousins signed it anyway and apparently got money from the deal and i was never told. Trying to get in touch with NTEX now to see what I have to do to get that money. Anybody aware of a situation like this? There has to be some recourse and a way to get the funds due to me. Suggestions on where to start?

I got in touch with Ntex They at least recognize the name. It may be that it was done as individual leases which may be a bad thing.

year was 2014 to be exact

It appears that the lease was executed as individuals thus I am left out in the cold. any recourse for this?

As Always thank you for your input.