Modified NADOA Model DO form -questions for OK

I am going to use the NADOA model form for a new DO. However, with these large spacing covering two sections the description covers several lines and can barely get the complete wording in.

Is there another PDF version that leaves more room for the description? or is a modifiable one available?

Also – do I put NONE under Special Clauses? Also – for witness ( not required in OKLA) do I use some wording there about “not needed for OK properties”?

Bud- It is not necessary to send in ANY DO for Oklahoma properties. Send in a completed W-9 form and a letter stating what your Division of interest is, ie the decimal interest you are claiming. It should be the same as that sent by the operator/purchaser, unless they have made a mistake. If you still want to send in the NADOA form, no need to put anything in those spaces.

Thanks Todd,

I will return a letter to them for these three sister wells, and state the decimal interest claimed for each of the three. as it varies slightly for each. I am also in sections 6 and 31 which adds to the complexity of the calculation. ( I need to redo that – to just be sure )

Thanks again

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