Missing payments on oil

Recently discovered not being paid on all oil sales on minerals owned in Canadian County. Anyone ever had this occur? Did not know what steps to take.

What reason did the company provide for the underpayment?

Did the operator pay you in the past? Or is this a new well? Are you new to inheriting? Is there a probate issue? Depending upon the answer, we may be able to direct your path forward.

Thanks for your response. This is an old well that I participated about 40 yrs before. I sold off the working interest about 25 years before. Being paid on Nat Gas but oil stopped several years ago. I recently went to OK Tax Comm and discovered there have been many sales of oil over the years. I had assumed wrongly that oil had stopped. There is no lease.

Contact the operator and ask why they are not paying for the oil. “There is no lease” may be the clue. Why are you even getting paid on the gas if there is no lease.

Originally I participated in well and later sold working interest and still own minerals and have been paid on gas and sometime ago on oil. I thought there were no oil sales until I checked OK Tax records and found oil sales and now am auditing back. Operator does not answer by phone and difficult to contact. They are not original operators as there has been several over the years. Thanks

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