Minerals in Stephens County

My Grandfather has interests in several locations in Stephens county. Where can I go to see a map of those areas & also see what is leased & not.?

Map 1

Map 2

Search on leases filed here Link

The Stephens County Group is pretty active Link and you might get better results in leased activity there.

Thank you Rick so much , I have so much to learn & see. I have been offered a lease from Nichols but haven’t signed . I really want to learn more bout what I can first. Thank you

Ok Rick, I am so lost & confused, I have no idea what I am looking for? Can you help me? This is one of the descriptions I have SW 1/4, SW1/4 NW1/4; NW1/4SW1/4 OF SEC 36, TWNSHP 4 S RANGE W, CARTER CNTY

Connie, the important part right now is Section, township and range. You have sec 36, tnshp 4 S, so you need a range number range ? W. On the site Rick gave you click advanced search, then fill in sec, tnshp. rng. and click search, you will get listings for that section. You can also search by name.

Ok thank you. I will try again.

Oh I see I left out 3 w . This is carter county


I can take a look later tonight. I’m familiar with the activity just a few miles north.


It looks like you have plenty of time to learn and make a decision. I don't see any leases that have been filed for that section year.

Take a look at this presentation.


The map on page 3 shows a map of the area I believe they are targeting in your area. The area you have would be just to the right of the Healdton arrow. You have to look close as the arrow goes under the yellow Scoop arrow.

How many net mineral acres do the say you have? Does the letter show what the proposal is? Who is "Nichols" and are they representing an Operator? I don't see a Nichols in any Carter Co leases.

I apologize for not getting back to you but my dad has passed and I am trying to deal with all his stuff right now. As soon as I get all that done I want to talk with more of you guys. I don’t have a clue about what I have . My grandfather was allotted this land & minerals.