I wanted to ask if anyone could help me with mineral riights royalties being paid out to other Heirs but we’re not getting paid for any producing & can’t find all the other tracts. How do you find out taxes on certain people and or land like a tax roll i think. We have one tract that had 115 wells on it possibly up to 197 with 65 producing now. If anyone could help with this Thank You many times over. It’s Hardin County Texas Eduardo League and some wells named Arriola Fee and then API numbers of course. A person who was put over it didn’t do it right for the other side of the family. I wanted to ask if anyone knows of any Attorneys who would work off a percentage for doing all the different counties like 9 to 12 counties and tracts multiple 3 in some up to 11 to 12 of them.
As far as taxpayers info, i have had good luck with on line county records. It is all public record. Names, addresses, zoning, valuation, etc. I have not heard of a percentage lawyer… …. sort of reminds me of an injury attorney with their billboards all over town. Maybe they are missing a niche market?
Thank you very much any and all help well helps. Thanks
here’s a few thoughts for you.
(a) put your name in the below website and see if it pulls up any records. minerals are considered real property and so taxes are due on them. some counties have a minimum value below which taxes are not owed, so it’s possible you own something even if you haven’t been paying taxes. if you’re name doesn’t pull anything up, then the county doesn’t know you own minerals. this is possible; but rare I’d think.
(b) check unclaimed property in texas at the below link.
Texas’ Official Unclaimed Property Site - Texas Comptroller - Texas.gov
it’s possible you own minerals; but for whatever reason the payor has lost tract of you, perhaps due to address change, a cloud on title, etc.
if you find yourself in here, you can claim the funds by providing the necessary documents for proof.
(c) check the below link and see if you can find any old deeds. this will give you an idea of how the minerals were originally conveyed into your family.
Texas Land Records and County Records
presumably you know the payor that is paying the other heirs. contact that payor and find out if they have you in their system. if so, your account may be in suspense. usually this is due to a title issue. division order analysts are usually underpaid and overworked; so practice patience and kindness. these will go a long way.
good luck!