Mineral rights question - Pittsburg Co. OK

Hi my name is Bill and I live in Nevada. Recently I received a letter from a Jess Harris III in OKC requesting to lease my mineral rights. These are the land coordinates. NE/4 NE/4 NE/4 & S/2 NE/4 NE/4 & NE/4 SW/4 NE/4 & S/2 SW/4 NE/4 & SE/4 NE/4 & SE/4 SECTION 33 and W/2 SW/4 NW/4 SECTION 34-3N-13E. This is in Pittsburg county. The letter states lease payable at $300 per net mineral acre for term of 3 year and 3/16 royalty. Is this a good lease? Does any one know who this Jess Harris is and is he reputable? Has the land ever been drilled on before. This is a mineral right that has been in my family for 3 generations. Just now learning about it. Appreciate any help thanks.
Bill Powers

Welcome to the forum Bill. You are asking the right questions.

Ask Jess who he is, and who he represents. And get ready to have some fun negotiating an oil deal.

Bobby G


Hi Bill - Welcome to the Forum. 1st, I suggest you join the Pittsburg Co. Group and post there. I don't know anything about your lease offer, but others on this forum or the county may be able to help you.

We have mineral rights several miles to the northwest of you in Pittsburg County. I can tell you there was a gas well, the Greer #1-33, drilled in your Sec. 33 in 2004 that was plugged and abandoned in 2011. Your Sec. 33 minerals would be included in the 640 acre spacing. I don't believe there has been any drilling in Sec. 34. You didn't say when these mineral rights came into your name, but there may have been production revenues that have been placed in unclaimed property at the State Treasurers Office.

The Woodford formation horizontal gas well boom began about 2007 in Pittsburg, Hughes and Coal counties, but cooled when prices drastically declined after a few years. There is still some drilling in those counties. There have been horizontal wells drilled in Sec. 28 and 27, just to your north. You can see production volumes that have been reported to the OK Tax Commission in the last 12 months by searching by legal using the Section, Township and Range at this link (leave the Quarter field empty) https://www4.oktax.onenet.net/GrossProduction/gp_PublicSearchPUNbyLegal.php ;

Good luck to you.

Thank you