Mineral rights I've inherited

I also agree with Marty. Get the probate settled. Keep copies of everything that anyone is sending you. DO NOT SELL! At this moment at least. You need to get all your legal ducks in a row and really understand what you have.

Read the Mineral Help tab above. Read the following topic with links in Canadian County. https://www.mineralrightsforum.com/t/information-for-inexperienced-royalty-owners/25663

Read the Oklahoma Corporation Commission publication. http://www.occeweb.com/OG/RoyaltyOwnersBooklet0218.pdf

Read the Blaine county topics and get up to speed.

Also look up your ancestor’s names in www.okcountyrecords.com and see if you find listings of your grandmother’s previous leases, deeds, probate, etc.

If you get a pooling order for that well, answer it immediately. You only have 20 calendar days. I choose the highest royalty and the lowest bonus as that usually does better in the long run.

Ask tons of questions!