Mineral rights information/producers

We recently inherited some small mineral interests. Some are under lease. $$ is pretty small. How do we find out who the producers are, how much they are pumping, and to make sure we are getting what we are entitle to under any leases.

How do you find out if landmen are interested in our area?



If you can give the legal description for your mineral interests, several people on this forum can help you answer those questions.

We are in Section 23 and 26 of Township 1 N, Range 6 W Stephens County


You can search your production by location. If there are more than one well, you will need to be more specific about the exact acreage. The well names should be on your check stub.

Continental Resources was interested in 26 earlier in the year, but dismissed their plans at the OCC. When prices come back up, they may get interested again.

Looks like NBI Services is the operator in 23.