Mineral rights in weld county co

Hello all. Looking for some info on this if anyone can help or point me in the right direction. Years ago my wife inherited the mineral rights in Weld county Sections 7, 19, and 20 of Township 4 North, Range 61 West and in Morgan County Colorado including rights in Sections 15 and 27of Township 5 North, Range 60 West. We are looking at our options for leasing or potentially selling as we have some ventures we would like to pursue. I just don’t even know where or how to start finding the actual fair value on this. If anyone has any insight or contacts that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

You’re in the right place and will hear from several people on options. Your first step should be to COGCC ( https://cogcc .state.co.us). That’s the Colorado Oil & Gas conservation commission. That’s the state regulator of oil & gas in Colorado. They have a ton of info. Of most importance will be the GIS mapping function. You can input your property address and see all of the activity (present, past and pending). That’ll give you a sense of the operators who are drilling near you. Realize that the O & G is a big business and a lot of companies are willing to buy you out and then repackage/sell your rights down the line. You may want to look into an O & G Attorney to help you navigate your way through the maze. My personal opinion is that our attorney saved us a lot of headache and increased our family’s value immensely…Ask friends or your accountant about a O&G attorney.

Good point on the attorney thanks! And I’ll have a look at that website and see if I can’t pinpoint what’s around. Thank you!

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