Mineral Rights Glasscock County, Tx

I have small mineral rights Glasscock County. Blk 34 T4S Sec 4 and have received an offer. Don't think much is happening in the area due to oil price. Anybody have any idea of new happenings and what rights might be worth around this section. APA is major holder in area. Thanks


The last activity I see close by your minerals is to the north next door////CrownQuest Operating has an approved permit to drill a vertical well. The permit was approved December 2015.


Apache seems to have been very active in the past few years in this area also. Some decent oil/gas producing vertical wells in the area.

GIS Map of Glasscock County A-785/Sec. 4/Blk.34T4S and surrounding area:

Clint Liles

Thanks Clint, You started me doing more RRC searches and I found Encana has permitted 2 HZ Wells on Blk 35 T4S Sec 1, about 3 mi west. One was completed ~ 2/10/16. Think this could be driver for interest in royalty, but WTI would need to get back above $60-70. IP30 on competitor slide was not great. Need to see what it does longer term, in case this may have been based on incomplete first info.


Production Data on Encana's well API 173-37139. Looks good to me.


Clint Liles

Thanks Clint, That does look good. It wan't nearly as good as other Diamondback comparisons, but sure beats good verticals and would cover my royalty offer by itself in a couple of years at 60-70 oil. Hope formation holds going to East. I am having difficultly getting any good strata feeling on my section. I see you are much better on RRC than I am. Any tips would be appreciated.



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Clint Liles