Mineral Owner Registry.com

As I am researching I found above website for mineral owners to register. The cost is $35. Has anyone used this service to keep everything up to date and is it worth the cost. Thanks

Have used it for two years now and find it very helpful.

Almost everyone on this forum will tell you to "not waste your money". I, however, am not one of those. I use it and it has paid for itself many times over. All of your contact information such as telephone numbers and e-mail addresses will be on the site and is accessible by leasing companies. I've received two calls on my landline which is an unlisted number but is one of my contact numbers on the Mineral Registry. I have my mail forwarded from a PO Box which is the address on the county records. I have always had problems with the post office returning mail to sender for no reason. As a Mineral Registry user I stand a better chance of someone finding me if mail has been returned. There are some other benefits to the registry such as lease rates. I recommend the registry but my circumstances are probably different from most mineral owners but for $35 a year I believe it is very cheap insurance.

If your contact information is correct with the county they will find you. If you are in witness protection, then maybe you need the Mineral Owner Registry.

Liz, you can get alot more information on this subject with a search of this site.

The counties, in at least my case, do not have my telephone numbers nor my e-mail address. All they have is my PO Box address.

Me Kennedy you are funny. I am not on the witness protection program. None of my friends are that special. Lol

Is this a mandatory registry? I just received another "dunn" for payment. If it is not mandatory I think I will pass unless someone can convince me otherwise.

Randy Westhoff