Mineral Management and Tracking

I am fairly new to this site, but it seems like a fantastic place for us all to network and help each other out.

That being said, I wanted to let you all know that my company offers several services throughout the united states that allows you to better manage and track your royalty payments.

We take the legal description of the mineral rights you own and map them into a geographic mapping system, which allows you to have a visual of exactly where your interests lay within the sections, counties and states that you have them.

The really cool part, is that we then go and pull all state well date and production information so that you can compare what is being reported to you on your royalty check to what is being reported to the states, so you can make sure you are getting paid what you should.

We all so have intent to drill information, plugged and abandoned well information and much more.

We link your tracks to your check so that you then have financial reports at your fingertips.

Our service is totally web based and very affordable.

Please check out our website today and contact me at any time for more one on one information.


Good luck to you all,
Miranda Freeman