Mineral acreage for lease - who to contact

I have mineral acreage for lease in Jack county, Texas. who do I need to contact.

Jack County – 355 acres ( I own 1/3 of 1/16) _County, Texas, to-wit: 355 more or less, out of the Heirs of John Jacobs Survey, patent dated 12-19-1877, Patent o.344, Vol. 22, Abst.No.·315, and being all the Land conveyed to Clyde H. Pierce by J. E. Waldrop and wife Annie Waldrop, deed dated l-26-31 and recorded in Vol.77, Pahe 493-4, Deed Records of Jack County, Texas said lands having been resurveyed by the County Surveyor of Jack County, and found to be comprised within the following bounds as shown by field notes recorded in Vol. B-3, page.:l89 of the surveyor Records of said County.

BEGINNINE at the Southwest corner of said John Jacobs Survey; Thence East at 960 vrs. pass the northeast corner of tic Van Houton Survey 1306 vrs. the Southwest corner Of the W R Talley 100 acre tract out of the John Jacobs survey; thence 1752 vrs. The southeast corner of the J N Craig 150 acre tract in said survey; Thence west with said Craig's South line 1306 vrs. corner in the West line of said survey; Thence South with west line 1752 vrs. to the place of beginning; Less 50 acre tract out of the Southeast corn er of the 405 acre tract described above by metes and bounds, said 50 acre tract being described in deed from J. M. Wright, et us, to W.R. Talley dated July 10, 1900, recorded Vol.64, Page 519, of Deed Records, JACK COUNTY, TEXAS


Jack County is very busy this year with drilling. From March 01, 2014 through March 27, 2014 there have been 37 approved permits issued for Jack County. I am posting a link to the 37 approved permits(4 pages). Included in each permit is a Permitted Operator. The permitted operator is who you need to contact about leasing your minerals.


Am also including a glossary of Texas drilling operators and contact information:


Clint Liles

thank you so much

There is a Listings section on the home page of this website.

Hello Audrey my name is Tom Bradford and I own Thirsty Bird Oil LLC and I also own Thirsty Bird Mineral Research and I am a Petroleum Landman and also an investor in oil leases. Do you have all the executors rights on this tract our is their others that have to be negotiated with and bonus money paid too. Also do you own 100% of the minerals on the tract if not how many others are involved. Are you the surface owner of the property.

I dont mean to be so nosey but these are the questions that an operator or investor will be asking you when leasing your land. I am presently doing some title work in the area for I leased 320 acres that we plan to drill on. If you would like your mineral title to be ran and a drilling package prepared on your property my company makes a very professional package. That goes from Patent to Present providing a report in Chronological order runsheet that is easy to understand, we also give you certified copies of all documents prescriptive to the title. We go to Texas Railroad Commission and give you activity reports and drilling information so you can get a better ideal of what is happening in your particular area of the county and if you property is in the oil window. We supply you with geology formation worksheets for Jack County showing you different formation zones in Jack county. It is a detailed report. The report does cost, but worth every penny for then you will know weather to lease for $50.00 an acre are $1000 an acre. My number is 940-391-4741. If you did lease or did not lease please give me a call.

Thank you for your response but we do not own any land rights just the full mineral interest of about 1/8 (there are 5 in the family - myself, a brother, a sister and two cousins). We would not be interested in any reports just want to lease the land and possibly sell a portion of our interest to help simulate activity.

thank you so much for your response.
