Min Payment Laws TX

Trivista Operating out of Giddings, Texas owes me a about $180 in royalty, but they are telling me that their policy to to hold royalty until it reaches $1,000 even though that goes against the Texas Natural Resources Code which states they must set my minimum at $25 when requested in writing by me, which has been done. So far they are not budging. Thoughts?

Have you only been corresponding by phone or do you have this in writing or email so you have proof of the operator’s position? Send a certified letter demanding payment, with cc to your attorney. Or have your attorney send the demand letter.

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I would become a huge pain. I would be calling frequently and going up the chain of command before I contact an atty for $180.

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Send them a certified letter return receipt and demand payment and interest and quote the section from the Texas Resource Code that says the minimum payment and that you are requesting a reset to $25 in writing. Send them a W-9.

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I have an email as proof

That has already been done via email. Will send certified.

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