Mewbourne operations

Good Morning, we own surface and mineral here. I noticed filings for increased well density (Order 737639). Multiunit Horizontal well (Order 737637). Both were filed around Sept 2023 which I think is basically a new well. But, I also noticed Mewbourne applying for time to commence operations (Order 001519) in these sections as well. Does anyone know how much time they have to start operations or if Mewbourne will at all? Thank you for any input.

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Those expired, Mewborne was granted a1 year extension on 9/12, order 1377478 that expires 10/25/2025. As far as them drilling it, who knows.

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Thank you for the response! Very helpful!

I have inherited mineral rights in Ellis County. I’m trying to find out about this company too as well as any others drilling now in that area. Any updates?

This is probably hard to see but I see approximately 6 Mewbourne rigs in and across Ellis/Roger Mills counties. I believe the rigs are moving South to North. This what I hear from a few land guys in that area. These words are not facts but only information I’m hearing. I hope this is helpful. Mewbourne is one of the best in industry just FYI.

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My mom had received paperwork from Mewbourne on horizontal drilling and her land was included. She passed away, I now have the mineral rights to that land. I’m trying to find out if the every did drill or have intent to do so as I have not heard anything from them. Would be the NW 1/2 Section 21, Township 18 N Range 21 in Ellis County Oklahoma. How would I find out?

Presidio drilled the Ranger 21-4H back in 2011. It produced through 12/1/2024. The last leasing in that section was back in 2018. Most of the leases were with Peregrie Petr. They may have been leasing for Mewbourne, but it is not llisted.

Our family signed a lease in 2022 with Mewbourne for 16-20N-26W. They never returned a signed lease and not responsive at all to any inquiries. Haven’t gone the certified mail route as it’s likely they simply never moved on that lease. Has any activity been observed in that area? Much appreciated.

Very few companies will send a returned filed lease in OK. The original leases are filed in the courthouse. You can ask for a copy and sometimes they will do so at the time of leasing.

Did you get paid the bonus payment?

You can look for the signed lease or memorandum of lease on (Look in the advanced search for Gillette Family Revocable Trust). Hopefully your family saved a copy of the actual lease.

Mewbourne had a permit for the Grayson 16/21 AP 1H , but I do not see a spud date yet.

Mewbourne has decided not to drill the Grayson well. Maybe at a later time.

My mom was receiving royalties on the Ranger and then they stopped but that was years ago. Interesting to hear it produced thru 12/1/2024. My mom lived with us the last 7 years and nothing. Guess I need to check that out. Thanks!!

Contact Presidio & check the Oklahoma Unclaimed Property Division of the Oklahoma Tax Commission.