McClain County, Ok Sections 2,3,5,29,32,36 activity

Cousin and I have mineral acreage in these sections and want to know if there is any activity in these sections and would it be wise to sell?

Pam- you need to provide the township & range with each section. There are a multitude of section 2’s, 3’s, etc in the county so a more precise legal description is needed.

McClain CO.: Sec 36&Sec 27-6N-1W,
Sec 2-8N-3W, Sec 29-5N-3W,
Sec 32-5N-2W, Sec 32-6N-4W, Sec 5-6N-4W, Sec 3-5N-2W, Sec 33-6N-4W

Sec 36&Sec 27-6N-1W. BP took over from Charter Oak in 2017-18 for 36. Some leasing by Native in 27.

Sec 2-8N-3W-Active leasing in the area by Prairie and EOG

Sec 29-5N-3W- parts of 29 are still productive, so no new leasing.

Sec 32-5N-2W Lots of leasing by Red Sky land in 2018. BP, GLB and Okland active in the area

Sec 3-5N-2W BP has pending horizontal wells here. I don’t sell if there are pending wells.

Sec 32-6N-4W Casillas has horizontal well spud in section 29 going south into 32 and then 5. Drilled in 2017. Would not sell this if it were mine.

Sec 5-6N-4W- Lots of Horizontal activity pending here. Would definitely not sell this if it were mine.

Sec 33-6N-4W Horizontal well here. I would not sell if it were mine.

Most of your acreage is in fairly good to excellent areas of McClain. Would be to your advantage to learn all you can and really understand what is going on. Look up the operators on your check stubs and view their investor presentations. Read through the McClain forum comments and get a feel for the questions and answers of others. We do not generally sell any of our properties, but other families may have a good reason to do so.