March 2024 Attempt to Lease

A company going under the name of Cypress Energy Resources has started to try and lease starting in the area East of Latexo. They have offered $75/acre for a 5 year lease! Only a FOOL would accept this. This is the group that has had landmen in the Houston County Courthouse all this year. Most likely they are only a lease broker and probably couldn’t drill a WATER WELL.

I don’t agree with you about them , they got lots of money :dollar:! of course times have changed I worked with that group from 2009 to 2011 ! They started the play in Louisiana , and east Texas ! Just my opinion​:sleeping:

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These same area’s were leased 10 year’s ago for $850 per net. acre for a 3 year term 1/5 if owners would ask for it as bonus money. Then this group comes in and try’s to lease for $75/net. acre for a 5 year term.