Marathon Pooling Application

We received an Letter of Interest, made our election (1/4 no bonus) returned it to Compass Energy Group/Marathon Oil for Garvin County Section 15 3N, 4W in January 2020 and again May 2021. NEVER heard another word. Marathon is of course Pooling that section. What’s up with these LOI’s? This seems to be the new thing - send a letter, don’t send a formal lease and then pool.

Did you respond to the pooling order or just the proposal letter?

Save yourself a stamp. The Letters of Interest carry no weight, just informational. You need to answer the pooling within 20 days if you are not leased. Send by certified letter return receipt and keep a copy of everything that you send.

Just the LOI. The pooling cause hasn’t been heard yet. We’ll just ignore any LOI’s going forward.

Looks like Rimrock is protesting this pooling. The venue has been changed to the Eastern Regional office in Tulsa and will be heard on Nov 3,4,5. Rimrock has filed quite a few cases with the OCC for 15 & 10. Did you get all those mailings? If not, come back and I can give you the case numbers.

Thank you. Doesn’t give me warm vibes for Compass/Marathon. We’ll see what happens with the pooling cause.

I did. I’ve never seen anything like those mailings! We’ll see what happens!

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