Love County Oklahoma 05-06s-03w


I have oil rights in love county Oklahoma at 05-06S-03W. I was sent a letter in 2014 but didn’t sign but a few of my family members did. Any information would be helpful.

Welcome to the Forum! For the forum to be more helpful to the general public, here are some suggestions on how to get a better answer.

Please post questions like this in the state and county where they are located. I will move this to Love County, OK for you and make some edits.

Please put your main question in the topic line and the location in the body of the text. (It works better for the algorithms to search). Ex: “Has a well been drilled on my acreage?”. Then in the body, tell where your acreage is.

Be specific in your question. “Any info” is too vague and the experts on the forum may pass it by since it takes too much time to guess what you might want.

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Now to answer…

I see three old wells from back in the 1980’s. They are all plugged right now. So no new drilling at this time.

Make sure your name and address and any title documents are properly filed in the Love County courthouse so landmen can find you if they are interested.

Get familiar with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission website as that is where pertinent information and maps can be found. Oil and Gas Conservation Division

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