I have several properties with mineral rights in Dewey county and I'm looking to lease. Anyone know of reputable land man, or a company willing to lease without a middleman?
Tracts available:
Sec 1-18N-18W |
Sec 25-17N-15W |
Sec 26-17N-15W |
Sec 3-16N-5W |
Sec 19-16N-14W |
Sec 16-16N-14W |
Sec 2-18N-18W |
Sec 11-17N-15W |
We lease with Jackfork Land, Inc., but they are a middleman. I couldn't find any oil companies that would lease directly.
Thanks Mary. Are you satisfied with Jackfork Land? If so, do you have contact info? Thanks so much.
Yes, we were satisfied with Jackfork Inc. The office work is a bit slow, but they probably all are. Don't accept anyone's first offer. Ask how much of your area is already leased. The more that is already leased gives you a little more leverage to ask for more. We worked directly with Jerry Gamble who is very responsive and helpful.
Sorry, forgot his email. gamblej@windstream.net
Mr. Stizza: Your interest in Sec. 16-16N-14W is under production by Continental. Your interest was pooled in 2015.
Todd M. Baker