Lexington 1-32-29XHW Carter County

Anyone have any new info on this well? Continental won’t respond. I have MI in 29 and 32. I’m just guessing something must have happened with this well and it’s not going to produce.

Thanks! Jason

Always add your township and range to any question so that it makes it faster to look up. 32-1S-2W. The completion report was not stunning. Only one report is available on the tax site. If it produced anything, then you should get paid on what it produced. But this is pennies…

Sorry forgot to put the township and range. Is this unusual? I can’t recall seeing any long horizontal wells in any of the counties I own in come in so poorly.

It can happen if the well is in a less favorable zone of the reservoir, the completion was not appropriate to the zone or the well bore wandered in and out of the zone and does not have good rock to perforate.

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