Leon County Leases

My father was part owner of leases in Leon County. He passed away last year. Is there a way to find the land by just his name?

Thank you.

Not sure I understand when you say he was part owner of “leases”. Are you talking about being the Grantee on oil & gas leases rather than your dad owning mineral rights?

In either case here’s a site where you can search the Leon County deed records to see what might have been recorded in his name. Searching is free but it will cost $1/page if you want to print documents you find there. https://i2i.uslandrecords.com/TX/Leon/D/Default.aspx

If for some reason that site doesn’t work for you other alternatives are TexasFile.com or CourthouseDirect.com.

As discussed in many posts on the forum, often the only documentation of leases recorded in the deed are memorandums, and not the actual leases. If you are looking for oil & gas leases where your father wasn’t the Grantee but shared ownership with someone else you may have to search using the name of the company or other individuals he shared the ownership with, but if you know that I expect you have already tried contacting them directly.

Leon County offers free water marked viewing online at https://www.texaslandrecords.com/ This is who that particular county uses. Every county is different however like Leon, a lot of Counties are getting to online records. This allows you to see the documents without paying prior.

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