Legal process for selling?

  1. When you sell your oil and gas mineral rights, should you reach out to a Title Company near you or a Title Company in the county in which the rights are located?

  2. Is it better to go through a title company or an attorney when selling your mineral rights?

  3. I have never been through a selling process of mineral rights before. What should I be cautious about during the process?

Thank you!

The most important thing is to know what you own and what you are selling. The 2nd most is to never turn over a mineral deed to a buyer before 1st getting total consideration in hand, preferably a wire transfer or cashier’s check. If you use a 3rd party intermediary such as a title company, they will handling the closing in a proper manner.

Good Luck.

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I don’t know of any title companies that would aid or even deal in mineral rights. Legal advice is always a good idea.

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