Legal Description how to find

Does anyone know if there is a way to figure out a legal description by only having the lot and block number?

When there is a lot and block this is a subdivision for which there will be a plat. The plat will have the section, township range (could be more than one). The county clerk might be willing to provide you that via telephone. This will be filed of record.

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A advanced search has boxes for Block and Lot. Perhaps searching after putting info in these boxes will return something that mine have an STR. Probably need to add the county too. I’ve never tried using just these fields so I don’t have any idea if it will work or not.

Contact the county Assessor. They will know that information.

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The assessor is telling me that The lot and block # for the town of Elmore City are the legal descriptions. any thoughts? has plat maps available for several counties including Garvin County.

The Elmore City plan is located in parts of sections 22 and 27 2N 2W.

You will need to look at the where you lot and block number is on the map to determine the exact area is located.

You will need to create an account to view or download the map.

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Took me FOREVER to finally figure this out (with lot’s of help!). Richard’s suggestion is the easiest way for me.

Glad to help. Since the subdivision is across 2 sections you will probably need a copy of the plat to find out which section your property is located.

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