Leasing rates

Recently received an offer to lease mineral rights located in Wibaux County MT. Does anyone know the current average leasing rate for this area? Any information would be appreciated.

Our Baker mineral trust has mineral acres in Wibaux, T11-R58-sec3, T12-r60-sce33, and T15-R60-Sec18. We have not received any offers. Would you mind sharing your property description? Good Luck, Bill Rowland Frederick, MD

Deon, it is a case of the old "location, location, location". Bonus offers will largely depend on where your minerals are located within the county. On the north end of the county there is still a little interest on the Bakken potential. Due east of the town of Wibaux there is the possibility of an extension of the Red River formation play which has begun in Golden Valley Co, ND. Down in the SE corner of Wibaux Co there is some new wildcat activity with a couple of recent permits.

So be sure to also post this within the Wibaux County page on this same site. Include your legal description, or at the least which Township and Range they are in. You're more apt to get info on current leasing and offers there on the county page. The other factor is the amount of acres involved (your net and gross acres). The more info you share, the more likely you'll get a useful response. Good Luck.

STUNNING DISPARITY between Federal Lease Auction in January ($30000+/acre in McKenzie Co) compared to last weeks ND State Auction bonuses - avg $335/acre for the state!!! Could anyone offer a reason for the disparity? Also why are the bonuses for last week so low? Was it a particularly cold day?