Leases in Burleson County

Hi, I wanted to check out if there anyone doing leases in Burleson county, A-52 area? They have in the past (10 years ago) but they have not recently. What is the situation today? What are the major companies to contact? thanks

Railroad Commission’s records don’t show any drilling permits filed in that area for several years.

Marlin Energy Resources, a privately owned independent that’s headquartered in Lafayette, Louisiana, drilled a horizontal well at the south end of A-52 in 2014 and they recorded a number of leases there in 2017 but nothing recently.

Chesapeake has just completed a 583 acre well in Burleson County called Belle D and has requested new lease on balance of my 20 acres as my original lease is running out in Oct 2019. They used only 6 acres for the new well completed April28,2019 so I won’t get rich. Leasing agent for Chesapeake who called me is Reggie Tidwell at 903-360-5173. Maybe he will have some info. .


Thank you for your suggestion. Not at this time though, they are not interested.