Lease was signed but no word since

I am the guardian of my Father whom is the owner of the mineral rights that were leased last year. I don’t know if the company is drilling or what is happening, how does all this work and can my Dad expect to receive royalties or what?

what state are you in? Oil or Natural gas? In Arkansas, you can follow activity on the Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission website.

Utah and they are drilling for oil.

Jessica McNeil said:

what state are you in? Oil or Natural gas? In Arkansas, you can follow activity on the Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission website.

In your state I am not sure but some basics are: 1) verify you have copies of all documents, deed of mineral ownership, copy of lease. Leases are often done quickly and ownership is verified later prior to royalties being paid. My mother’s royalties were delayed for six months because the company said they could not find records that she was the sole heir to dad’s estate. We provided documents for that. The original lease was made with a company out of Oklahoma and was sold to a company in Texas. Does your state have an oil and gas commissioner or land management office that can offer assistance, or state geology department? Ask them if there are websites that keep updates of activity that you can research. Have you called the company that holds the lease to ask for assistance in followup on status? I learned a lot initially from a helpful landman and from other discussion groups on the internet. The # 1 resource is The National Association of Royalty Owners. My mother and I have wells in the Fayetteville Shale and there are several resources where we gather info on wells , most are provided by official state websites. Hope that gets you started. Jessica