Lease versus sell Adams Co, Colorado

We own our mineral rights in Adams County Colorado on three acres and have well water. There is large pad going on north of us and we have been approached by companies wanting to purchase for 5,500 per acre and companies wanting to lease. We have been lowballed by a few and know pooling will happen so we need to make a decision. I’m leaning towards a lease and have researched what I need to look out for. What is average signing amounts and royalty percents to expect and how do we protect our drinking water and animals in the lease? At what stage do I hire my own attorney ? Thanks for any advice , we are newbies and nervous on how this could harm our land or help us . Kerri

Kerri, You have much to protect whether leasing or selling. Know the value of your minerals to industry and provide the lease form or sale agreement that gets you the value you deserve and the terms that protect your lifestyle. There has been mineral production in your area for 70 years and there will be for another 40+ years. Plan on it.

Gary L Hutchinson

Thanks Gary, I appreciate the input and am learning a lot . Kerri

Check out the minerals and rights forum on Facebook for great articles on the subject too.