Lease Offer Leon County, Texas

Surprise Valley/Comstock lease offer in J.B. Therrill Survey A-879. $500 bonus 1/5 royalty initial offer. A friend of a friend just got this offer. Just a tip.

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Based on what I’ve heard, your friend of a friend should be able to get a 25% royalty and a bonus of $800 to $1000 per net acre.

By the way, the JB Therrill A-879 Survey is next door to the JB Therrill A-877 Survey which is the surface location of Comstock’s most recent drilling permit submission, the BM Miles 1H.


Alan-any chance you could post an image of the drilling permit you mention above or send me a link to view it? Much appreciated.

Alan, do you know if the Rule 37 is available on the RRC site?

I’ve seen the proposed lease and I would never sign it! Thanks Mr. Herrington for all your information.

We got the exact same offer. Good to hear some feedback on what others are getting in the area. Sounds like we will be holding out on SV’s offer…