Lease Activity - Stark County, Ohio

any info on why stark county Lexington twp. ohio is being leased all of a sudden ,the area had a couple dry wells drilled in 1970’s the surrounding areas were all ready leased and drilled we have been offered $350.00 per acre for 5 years thanks for any info Steve K.

What company contacted you? we also just were contacted about a lease in southern stark county. they are wanting to get a lease so they can drill in the Marcellus shale.

We have the same offer in Lexington Township. They would not disclose the company name. The landman refused. Did they disclose the name to you? I’d like to check the company out first.

Have you heard of fracking? Gas companies are leasing land to drill deep wells using the method called fracking. you should google fracking, there is lots of info on it that you should research before signing a lease. A lot of warnings about contaminated well water and leaking very toxic drilling fluids at the source of the well from the process. It is an active well, not like the passive wells you are used to seeing around.