Lea county NM?

Where is a good place to search for somebody to talk to about my families royalties for Lea county New Mexico? We were offered a large amount of money and it makes me wonder how much it is really worth. And is it normal for somebody to actually knock on your door to bring you the offer(lost phone so didn’t return their calls and they wanted to make sure we saw the offer). Tia

It’s unusual for somebody to knock on your door. Maybe they are just really hard chargers. Or that may be a sign of “we need to get this done immediately” for a number of legitimate or shady reasons.

In terms of finding somebody to talk to, it depends on what you want to search for…there are a number of service providers in the “Directories” listing on the top right of the page. From an engineering/evaluation side you may want to contact Tracy Lenz from that list. Don’t know her, or any of the others, but she seems pretty solid from what I have seen on here.

If you just want to say “I own X and was offered Y” I can probably tell you where your offer stands relative to the current market, I know a little bit about Lea County NM. But for all you know I am a 13 year old taking a break from playing Fortnite.



How do I message you?

There is not a private message feature for regular users (like me/you) anymore. It was being abused for commercial purposes I believe. I think your choice is to just put your info out in public or go through the directory to find professional help.

Awe, thanks so much, NMOilboy! :blush: Always happy to help. Hoping to roll out something extra special for the holiday season out for the forum soon :christmas_tree: :crossed_fingers:.

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