Lea County NM

Is there a way to see the status of a plugged well? Or does plugged mean no chance of reopening? Lea Sec25 T23 s R36e, and where is it exactly? (It's Lankford #1 and #2, I think.


Another forum member shared this link to a NM gis interactive map in an earlier post: http://nm-emnrd.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=4a821bdf94c448e68b86a77d0750e7cc

Thank you. On my paperwork I do not see an API number. I tried the Division Order Numbers, but that resulted in nothing.

I also tried the Township and Range numbers, but nothing.

I know they exist because I get $$ from them.

Any help would be appreciated: Where are the API numbers and where is the spacing number on the statements that accompany the checks.


I am sorry but I am not familiar with NM. You might try joining the Lea County NM group on this forum

Thank you. But it says Lea County NM at the top of this page.

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Here is the link to said group with 126 members: http://www.mineralrightsforum.com/group/lea-county-nm-oil-gas which you would join by clicking on the tab at the upper right portion of the page between the group name "Lea County, NM Oil & Gas Discussion" and your user name.