KIt Carson County, CO - Oil & Gas Discussion archives

Kit Carson County, CO oil & gas discussion group. Share your experience regarding lease bonus, royalty rates, drilling activity, and oil & gas news.

My sister and I have had MI in 1/2 of 320 acres in Kit Carson County for many years. I was contacted by a company that wanted to be our agent to lease the propery. Sounded like a scam to me and the kicker was they wanted 10% of our mineral interests to do this. I told them to go fly a kite. The major problem as I understand it is the lack of enough water in this area to drill. This was the heart of the dust bowl back in the 1930's. I hope we live to see some income from our MI but if not possibly our children.

Any Activity here?

T9S, R47 West, Section 4

T9S, R47 West, Section 9