Kingfisher County, OK 32/18/6

Can someone please give me some information? I received ppwk that was filed on 4/17/15 cause CD No 201501924 on Section 32, Township 18 North, Range 6 West for Gastar Exploration Inc to establish a 640 acre horizontal drilling and spacing unit. To date, I have not rec'd any further information. Is anything happening? Appreciate any info you can give me as I am not in OK. Thanks!

Gail I checked the OCC website and it seems that Chesapeake is protesting Gastar's application and filed application on 7-2-2015 for Horizontal spacing with a mailing going out on 7-07-2015. The case #201503138 is assigned to Chesapeake. You should receive a mailing on this application. Each of these applications are seeking spacing in different formations as you compare them.

Thank you Mr. Pruitt. Appreciate your help!