Issue in Harrison County

Below are tax map and parcel numbers in regards to a 29/30 acre property in the Tenmile District of Harrison, County, WV, that a landman gave us that he say's we have a 50% non-participating royalty interest in. I spoke with an assessor in Harrison County who gave me some interesting information...She said that there is a 30 acre lease with regarding map/parcel 301.1.1, well permit #5079 (Cowgill #1) and that the tax information has been going to a PO Box in the name of May F Townsend. Given our great grandmother's name was Frances May Townsend, she thought it interesting and ironic that this is going to a PO Box with an inverted name. The tax assessor said that in the 23 years she has been doing this, this, she has never seen anything like this and that she doubts it’s coincidental. I have contacted Antero about this issue, but, they have not yet responded. We aren’t sure what to do at this point.

18-301, Parcel 38;

18- 301, p/o 39.2;

18-2703, Parcel 132;

18-2703 Parcel 133;

18-2703, Parcel 135;

18-2703, Parcel 136;

18-2703, Parcel 137;

18-2703, Parcel 138;

18-2703, Parcel 139;

18- 2703, Parcel 140;

18-2703, Parcel 141;

18-2703, Parcel 142;

18-2703, Parcel 143

18-2703, Parcel 144,

Use this site it will give you some information. It says Linda Cowgill is the mineral owner for Harrison County well 05079.

Try this website Harrison County WV Tax information

and put in Townsend. I found an entry (several over the years but one for 2014) with May F Townsend, care of Bluestone Energy Partners, which was purchased a few years ago by Antero. Perhaps somehow this interest fell through the cracks and taxes were not paid, and Bluestone bought it at a tax sale. If so, Antero owns it now.

Perhaps the Assessor's office can help you find this out. It could be that Antero is just holding it somehow for the heirs. Yes, it sounds like an unusual situation.